Tuesday, January 28, 2025

A Dissenter in MAGA Society

 Bunhill Fields Beckons All Who Refuse to Kiss the Ring

While in London for brief visit a few years ago, I rode my bicycle to the John Wesley Chapel and burial site. Across the road from the Methodist founder’s memorial is Bunhill Fields—a dissenters’ cemetery where the likes of William Blake, John Bunyan, and Susanna Wesley (John Wesley’s mother) are buried.

What was their dissent and their punishment? All buried here refused to acknowledge the king of England as the head of the church. They refused to kiss the ring.

Their dissent was costly: they were excommunicated, lost basic citizen rights, lost income and pensions, and even a place to be buried—they lost access to public cemeteries. Eventually, a few compassionate Londoners donated properties where dissenters could at least be buried.

Today, dissenters to Trump and MAGA madness run real risks. Speaking out and acting for truth may prove costly at multiple levels—reputations, collegiality, ostracism, public rebuke, loss of business contracts, loss of economic opportunities, loss of personal income sources, etc. 

These are sifting, testing times. 

Are Americans faced with circumstances similar to the rise of fascism in Germany in the 1930s? Will most put heir heads down and go along for the sake of stability, income, etc. at the expense of labeled neighbors? Will most look the other way and make excuses as millions of vulnerable neighbors disappear and are disenfranchised?

Dissent in a MAGA society and with a President like Trump may be costly. One should count the cost. And then act courageously, boldly, unflinchingly.

Bunhill Fields forever!

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Don't Go

A reflection in anticipation of burying mom's ashes I'm really not one to dwell on the death of a loved...