Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Self-Care Bingo and other Coping Strategies Amid COVID-19

Not sure who to credit for this graphic called “Self-Care Bingo, but I like it.

It is one of numerous little things that help me in this time when my initial thoughts of the day have sometimes been “I wonder if today is the day I will contract this lethal virus despite my personal efforts of prevention?”

Weird thoughts. High anxiety. Disequilibrium. New high levels of cynicism regarding our government so-called “leaders.”

Then I see “Self-Care Bingo.” And stories of frontline workers. And efforts to support hourly-wage workers who have been furloughed. And investment in local artists. And under-the-radar actions by neighbors to care for vulnerable neighbors. And online concerts by musicians whose venues have been cancelled. On it goes with inspired and inspiring human capacity and creativity in the face of a global pandemic.

Believe in yourself. Believe in the good in others. Recognize and shun the capriciousness of some. Stay active. Stay put. Stay safe. Act compassionately while respecting needed social distancing. Follow the science, not the politicians. Stay human.

This will end. Let us all do what we can to help it end well.

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