Monday, February 10, 2020

Fresh Start

It's time I started writing again. Original stuff. Not reposting pieces I've worked on, am proud of, or are apropos for the season or holiday. I desire to explore forward.

Most of what I've posted is locked down at this time. I missed the deadline to renew my domain and every way I try to renew it now, I'm led down a blind alley. I've wasted lots of time. I figure I'll recover the 15+ years of content some time (it's all accessible via Blogger). But the disruption of months of non-access has intensified my urge to write in general and blog specifically.

I have embraced a number of social media platforms--Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Each has a fascination of its own. But, for me, none of these reflect my style (this is not the best word) like blogging.

Though I have blogged for years and journaled through my adult life, I consider this a fresh start, a new beginning.

I consider this an act of love and courage.

Let's see where this goes.

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