Thursday, February 27, 2020

Launching Into Lent

I'm a hesitant observer of Lent, nevertheless, I'm on board for the turbulent journey

we saunter into
Ash Wednesday's service.
we are marked--
as much a sign of
obligation as mild

Lent launches
as we straggle up
the gangplank.
Though winded,
we're on board--
a bit bewildered about
where this journey ends,
somewhat unsure of
the purpose of this

When inspiration flags,
discipline and duty
carry us.
Where vision is obscured,
the immediate horizon a fog,
soundings resonate

Others seem more
certain of this voyage--
sails are trimmed and
crew busy themselves.
But we aren't sure
whether we should
settle in to rest
or keep watch
at the bow.

We're asked to
give up something--
to lighten the load?
Have we not already
given up home and land
for this untethered vessel
churning through
inhospitable seas
to an unheard of

After a few days at sea
we notice atop the mast
flies a flag--are those
cross bones?
What were we thinking
when we bought the ticket
marked "Destination Port:

John Franklin Hay 
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


A few weeks ago, I was drawn down the wormhole of the novel coronavirus that has gripped much of China and is spreading globally. COVID-19 is currently merely a notable news item in our region, but our Chinese neighbors are experiencing full-on pandemic conditions.

In December 2019, I booked a March 2020 flight to New Zealand that routed through Shanghai, China. I thought that would be novel. But as information began to percolate about the virus, I reconsidered my plans. Ultimately, I cancelled my reservations and have decided that, for me, this is not a good time for international travel. Cycling down under can wait.

Spending a while viewing Twitter posts from Wuhan area Chinese “citizen journalists” (some of whom have now disappeared) reveal very stark stories and images. One gets the sense that official reporting by their government reveal suppressed counts of persons infected and dead. Extreme measures of quarantine and treatment appear to be violently enforced.

We are learning—and are going to learn—much about the human condition as this virus spreads globally and ultimately impacts our own city, neighborhood, and households. What seems distant will likely come near. This is a search-your-heart time. Love all.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Fresh Start

It's time I started writing again. Original stuff. Not reposting pieces I've worked on, am proud of, or are apropos for the season or holiday. I desire to explore forward.

Most of what I've posted is locked down at this time. I missed the deadline to renew my domain and every way I try to renew it now, I'm led down a blind alley. I've wasted lots of time. I figure I'll recover the 15+ years of content some time (it's all accessible via Blogger). But the disruption of months of non-access has intensified my urge to write in general and blog specifically.

I have embraced a number of social media platforms--Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Each has a fascination of its own. But, for me, none of these reflect my style (this is not the best word) like blogging.

Though I have blogged for years and journaled through my adult life, I consider this a fresh start, a new beginning.

I consider this an act of love and courage.

Let's see where this goes.

Don't Go

A reflection in anticipation of burying mom's ashes I'm really not one to dwell on the death of a loved...